Monday, November 24, 2014

Bubble Bath
This is a really fun and different product shot. It definitely has that fun and colorful feeling that really would appeal to children.  The bubbles really come forward in the foreground and background, and the I like the look of the faded away bubbles in the background. The lighting on the products is light and you can read all the small text on each individual product. Overall the lighting is nice, and the composition is set up well.

DKNY watch
 This is a really really cool photo. I love the way all the elements are weaving together and overlapping over each other and the way the composition is tilted gives a lot of energy and movement and interest to the photo. The lighting is nice because it really reflects on all the shiny gold and the silver of the watch really still manages to pop against all the busy elements of the background. The rose in the background is also a really nice touch because it gives that different texture to the background and really helps pop the watch forward in the composition.

This is another great example of nice looking product photography, I love the lighting in each and the way it creates this really nice expensive, sleek look. The lighting on the blades looks really nice especially with the way the light color pops against all the black of the background and the product itself. I really love the highlights on both sides on the left because it really shows that brand new, sleek and shiny look.

This is a really great product shot. There is really a statement being made here that says the watch is marketed towards someone sporty, or athletic. The way the water looks as if its dripping off the watch makes it look like its just been through water, and its very rugged looking in a good way. The set up of the composition is nice because the watch if facing the empty space and it really helps give a slight diagonal feeling to the composition. 

This is a really nice example of a product shot, I like the way the items were set up in the composition, it is very balanced. I love that the bubbles were captured in the glass, which really helps make it look cold, fresh, and carbonated. The bubbles are also captured a little bit in the sprite which keeps the items from looking flat and dull like they have been sitting there for a long time. The items are nicely set up and the elements all look good. 

Red Nails
I really love the lighting in this photo. I love that half of her face is hidden with the shadows and the levels overall look really nice. The red color of the lips and nails really pops on this dark composition. The way that she is looking down and over her shoulder also really helps to lead your eye around the composition, overall the setup and the lighting really create a mysterious effect with this photo. 

Old man
This is a really stunning photograph. The black and white really brings out a serious emotion which really compliments the look on the mans face in the photograph. It's almost easy to image there's a whole story behind the man and you can really see a lot of character in his face. The levels are really nicely done and the face really stands out against the background.